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Generated at 2024-04-11 19:38:23 pm EVE time

Doctrine ship pricesheet

(Valid for April 2024)
For the benefit of all indy people and corp, please follow mentioned titles and prices (not higher, not lower).
Hull Contract Title Contract Price Jita Sell Appraisal
FalconBR PVP - Cyno Falcon373,650,000325,740,000
BasiliskBR PVP - Fleet Basilisk304,870,000271,220,000
HuginnBR PVP - Fleet Huginn425,210,000370,430,000
LachesisBR PVP - Fleet Lachesis489,590,000426,300,000
ScimitarBR PVP - Fleet Scimitar343,020,000299,540,000
HyenaBR PVP - GateCamp Hyena42,800,00037,280,000
SabreBR PVP - Hyper Sabre96,790,00084,260,000
CaracalBR PVP - Mk1 Caracal33,740,00029,430,000
CormorantBR PVP - Mk1 Cormorant4,520,0004,150,000
FeroxBR PVP - Mk1 Ferox76,650,00066,950,000
CaracalBR PVP - Mk2 Caracal34,850,00030,420,000
CerberusBR PVP - Mk2 Cerberus306,350,000267,490,000
FeroxBR PVP - Mk2 Ferox98,570,00086,010,000
OspreyBR PVP - Mk2 Osprey27,100,00024,340,000
CaracalBR PVP - Mk3 Caracal40,650,00035,520,000
CerberusBR PVP - Mk3 Cerberus317,880,000277,520,000
CormorantBR PVP - Mk3 Cormorant16,830,00014,700,000
FeroxBR PVP - Mk3 Ferox115,320,000100,500,000
CrucifierBR PVP - Outreach EWAR Crucifier1,690,0001,480,000
GriffinBR PVP - Outreach EWAR Griffin1,910,0001,750,000
MaulusBR PVP - Outreach EWAR Maulus920,000960,000
VigilBR PVP - Outreach EWAR Vigil1,800,0001,640,000
HeronBR PVP - Outreach Exploration Heron1,950,0001,760,000
ProcurerBR INDY - Outreach Low Sec Ice Mining82,380,00072,120,000
VentureBR INDY - Outreach Mining Venture1,230,0001,100,000
CatalystBR PVP - Outreach Salvage Catalyst2,180,0002,080,000
SlasherBR PVP - Outreach Tackle Slasher1,420,0001,330,000
RamjagBR PVP - Ramjag48,330,00042,350,000
FlycatcherBR PVP - Rocket Fly115,300,000100,380,000
BlackbirdBR PVP - T1 Blackbird33,160,00029,060,000
BurstBR PVP - Mk2 Burst25,850,00022,490,000
CondorBR PVP - Mk1 Condor3,570,0003,300,000
HoundBR PVP - T1 Hound61,730,00054,330,000
LogiBR PVP - T1 Logi27,100,00024,340,000
ManticoreBR PVP - T1 Manticore64,380,00056,450,000
MoaBR PVP - T1 Moa38,900,00033,930,000
ScytheBR PVP - Mk2 Scythe29,810,00026,100,000
TackleBR PVP - T1 Tackle2,360,0002,280,000
BifrostBR PVP - Mk3 Bifrost120,870,000105,380,000
BlackbirdBR PVP - T2 Blackbird54,900,00047,900,000
BroadswordBR PVP - T2 Broadsword450,600,000392,630,000
BurstBR PVP - Mk3 Burst27,900,00024,320,000
ClaymoreBR PVP - Mk3 Claymore571,270,000497,480,000
CrowBR PVP - T2 Crow59,930,00052,440,000
FlycatcherBR PVP - T2 Flycatcher107,480,00093,710,000
MerlinBR PVP - Mk3 Merlin10,230,0009,490,000
MoaBR PVP - T2 Moa52,050,00045,370,000
OnyxBR PVP - T2 Onyx540,240,000470,400,000
StilettoBR PVP - T2 Stiletto60,830,00053,180,000
StorkBR PVP - Mk3 Stork126,780,000110,750,000
VultureBR PVP - Mk3 Vulture601,170,000523,360,000
CurseBR PVP - Tank Curse334,080,000291,390,000
TenguBR PVP - Tengu - Logi1,059,290,000922,190,000
LachnesisBR PVP - Toxicity - Lachnesis750,800,000653,190,000
FalconBR PVP - Toxicity - Falcon314,700,000273,900,000
Cyclone Fleet IssueBR PVP - Mk2 Cyclone Fleet Issue203,890,000177,870,000
Cyclone Fleet IssueBR PVP - Mk3 Cyclone Fleet Issue222,410,000193,550,000
KikimoraBR PVP - Mk3 Kikimora115,430,000100,710,000